
With This Recipe Remove Facial hair without Shaving or Wax

With This Recipe Remove Facial hair without Shaving or Wax

With this recipe you’ll be able to remove your facial hair super easily without pain! No need to shave or wax!

This’ll help you get rid of that mustache quickly and painlessly!
One day, you look into the mirror and there it is: a mustache. Unfortunately, it’ll only get more pronounced as you get older, so you want to get rid of it straight away! But how can you do this as effectively as possible?

Dark Hair.

Some women naturally have more facial hair than others. This has to do with hormones and genes. For example, women with dark hair often have more visible facial hair than women with blonde hair. During periods in which there isn’t a lot of sunlight (like winter) hairs can become even darker. One thing is for sure: every woman has facial hair to some extent. Do the hairs on your lip bother you and would you like to do something about it? You can! There’s no need to go and visit an expensive beautician to get your upper lip waxed or to go on the search for affordable laser hair removal options. It’s super easy to remove your facial hair yourself!

Facial scrub.

You could consider shaving your upper lip, but this is often discouraged by beauticians. Why? Because the hairs will grow back very quickly. This is because they are only ‘cut off’ instead of removed in their entirety. When the hairs grow back, they can look darker and thicker. Plus, you’ll have stubble on your lip, which is neither comfortable nor pretty! It’s best to remove the hairs through the use of a facial scrub. We’ve got two recipes for you, 

Recipe 1 – Facial scrub


1/2 teaspoon oatmeal
1 tablespoon honey
8-10 drops of lemon juice
Mix the oatmeal with the honey and the lemon juice in a small bowl until it turns into a paste. Apply the paste to your face and rub it in against the grain of the hair. Do this for about 5 minutes and then rinse off the paste with tepid water. Use this scrub around 3 times a week and the hairs will slowly disappear. Do be careful with the lemon, because it can cause irritation around the eyes!

Recipe 2 – Facial milk


1 tablespoon turmeric powder
1 tablespoon milk
Mix the turmeric and the milk together in a small bowl and apply it to your upper lip. Wait until it has dried completely and then wash your face with cold water. Repeat this three times a week and say goodbye to those hairs on your lip!

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